Grapevine City Council Authorizes Area Revitalization Study

18 Dec 2024
Blog, News
Councilmembers in Grapevine voted unanimously in favor of a $54,500 contract with MESA Design Group to launch a revisioning and revitalization process at Crossroads, a development located at the convergence of highways 121 and 114 near the geographical center of the community. The vote, taken on December 17, authorizes MESA to survey the area, develop architectural plans for its improvement, and suggest cohesive changes to the signage and branding within the center, among other recommendations. The initial contract includes concepts and renderings for a more pedestrian-friendly circulatory system that would also create space for public art and a stop within the City-operated shuttle network. Those elements will be delivered in 2025, with guidance from Grapevine City Council and individual business owners. The contract will be paid for by Grapevine Economic Development, which is funded by a percentage of sales tax revenue generated in Grapevine.
This agreement comes alongside plans for a double-branded hotel under the Hilton flag, slated for construction on the Northern edge of the area. Neither plan is contingent upon the other, but representatives from the City expect both investments will generate momentum for an area that has seen declined visitation since the height of its success in the early 2000s.
“Not long ago, Crossroads was the place to be in Grapevine,” said Economic Development Director Garin Giacomarro. “Unfortunately, several of the brands that used to draw crowds to the area fell out of favor just as the pandemic hit. What we’ve seen there is natural market churn, compounded by COVID-19 and anchor properties folding around the same time. Most of the developers we’ve spoken to believe in this center, but didn’t want to be the first ones in the door. By updating the portions under City control, we can send a signal to the private market: Crossroads is ready for you, and Grapevine will be your partner going forward.”
Nearly a dozen entities, including DFW International Airport, have an ownership stake within the development. Most are private businesses or individuals, but the City controls portions of the infrastructure including Crossroads Drive, the main thoroughfare connecting each parcel to the next. The surrounding roadways fall under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDoT), which recently completed installation of protected turn lanes along William D Tate Avenue. Those updates were intended to create a safer traffic pattern than the old design, which consisted of two-way traffic and a shared turning lane.

Market research from Grapevine Economic Development suggests those changes successfully altered the flow of traffic around the center, and the vendors operating at Crossroads weathered the disruption caused by the project. Several restaurants within the cluster are on pace to rank among the City’s most popular, and estimates that Pluckers Wing Bar – which recently purchased its parcel outright – has generated nearly 300,000 visits in 2024.
“That’s a positive case study, and we expect more in the years ahead,” said Giacomarro. “The brands that earned loyal customers, that invested in their property, have done well in this area. Hiring MESA is a logical next step to continue that trend. Today, it’s a better visitor experience. Tomorrow, it will be another trusted destination dining or entertainment option for residents and visitors alike.”
This restaurant node isn’t the only buzz-worthy site in Grapevine. For more information on this development and others like it, subscribe to the ‘Growing Grapevine’ eNewsletter and podcast, presented by Grapevine Economic Development.
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